The race to the finish line

Greetings readers!
It’s been a crazy few weeks as I add the last few touches to The Girl of Ash and Snow before I pass it to my formatter. I can’t believe how quickly everything is happening and how fast the final dates are approaching. Here is the timeline that I am currently working with but it may change depending on a few things with Amazon/Ingram sparks.
- 31st October 2021 Pre-order available
- 30th Nov final copy proofread and uploaded to distributers
- 14th December launch day!
I am still trying to pin down a printing press to create the bookmarks…without having to order 1000 off the bat. I’ve got the 2×6” design already done but few Australian companies seem to be able to do it, or have large minimum orders for custom jobs. It does put me in a bit of a bind but have no fear! I am determined and have a few ideas up my sleeves.
I am hoping not to have so much issue with the mugs that will be made for the book. Just waiting on the designer for the final image. There will also be some A5 portraits of characters available too. Now, most of the merchandise will be available for individual purchase outside of the launch box, which will include everything. Keep your eye on the store for those!
Still lots of little things to finalize but I had a good chance to nut through a couple of them. I got to spend some time in sunny Manly in Sydney, Australia, whilst my car was being serviced. My earbuds were dead, so didn’t have much chance to write. However, I got lots of walking done, which gave me the time to mentally work through some scenes and hash out some plot details for book 2. You would be surprised with how handy just going for a walk as a writer can be sometimes.
Can’t wait to release more info for this book shortly! Keep your eyes on this website and remember to subscribe for regular updates, promotions and giveaways!
All the love,
C.M. Quinn